Beauty and the Beast!

“Beauty and the Beast!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“America, your time has come to make a decision-follow Me or fall over Baal, the choice is yours and the next move you make will determine your future. Think it not strange the events that surround your nation- chaos and confusion are the daily bread of a wicked nation. Turmoil and crisis, is soon to arrive, but few can see the early signs nor can they hear the early warnings!

My Church has played the whore, lying in the beds of foreign gods, giving herself over to the beast and his system! My kingdom is not of this world and My People are from above, yet many choose to live below My standard.

Awaken My Church out of your slumber, look unto the hills for I Am coming with sword and shield, to fight for the final harvest and to protect what is Mine!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Jeremiah 27) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube

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