Jeremiah 7!

“Jeremiah 7!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, your nightmare has only begun! The violence you see in your streets will only increase as your nation hardens her heart towards Me. You have rejected the Truth and made your own remedy- self perseveration like the figs of the Garden- sown to cover the shame but unable to cleanse the heart!
America, it is later than you think! Your false prophets have lied to you- showering you with great praise for your beauty, but I see beyond your skin- the façade of self-righteousness! I see a whore who is never satisfied! My Church has enabled you to play the harlot, for she has lied with you in the bed of whoredoms, abominations, and trespasses! My Prophets have warned and bewailed your condition but your lust for the earth and all of the treasures is greater than the attraction of Heaven!
You can’t serve two masters! The day to choose and decide your destiny is upon you- choose well!”
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