Not Yet!

“Not Yet!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, as you wallow in your PRIDE, as you flaunt your sodomite agenda, My Army is being raised against you! Your oppression and conflict is with Me- the One who created you and the One who will dismantle you! You choose this direction when you rejected Me in your schools, culture, arts and entertainment! Even My Church has restricted Me from entering into My own house! The very Church I bleed and died for- yet in My patience will I receive both My harvest and recompence of reward.
Judgment is the final solution when Grace has been rejected. Even so, the fulness of time is not yet upon you. The dark storm clouds are forming, My Army is garrisoning (in position) and My squeeze will not relent! Your window to fulfill the Great Commission is closing. The light to see My harvest fields is getting dimmer and only a few will be able to discern these times! Church, don’t waste time in foolish pursuits- endless genealogies and fables of foolish men! Work while it is still light, for the end is coming, but not yet!”

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