The Final Solution!

“The Final Solution!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


  “Woe to the nations who do not feed My Sheep-Woe to the Shepherds who overlook the wounded, the weak, and the weary among your flock-Woe unto the ;leaders who lead My People into judgment and despair- at your feet will I lay their cause- in your hands will be the blood you have shed-Woe unto those who have forsaken My Law and My Love, for their hearts are getting colder and their conscience has been seared! Where are My protectors of the innocent, the youth, and the tender of age- you are nowhere to be found at the cry for battle- you prey on My innocent and you refuse to pray for their souls! You’ve left your first love and you have become judge over My people-for this cause, I will judge you with double judgment. I will curse your cattle and I will curse your corn, the source of your existence will be afflicted, but will you return unto Me? To My True Church, stand strong and follow the True Shepherd, My voice you know and that voice is TRUTH! Trust Me this day says your God, for gross darkness is upon your land and many will stumble in this darkness, but you will stand and not stumble, for My Truth will bear you up!”  Scripture reference for this message is (Ezekiel 34) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at… My book “Papa’s Garden” has been released! Check it out at Please prayerfully consider supporting our World-Wide Ministry! You can give at or by check or money order: Ignited Church PO Box 303 Lavonia, Ga 30553 THANK YOU! JESUS IS LORD OVER IGNITED CHURCH LAVONIA, GA!!!  

Ignited Church