The Last Soldier!

“The Last Soldier!”

A Prophetic Waring


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“America the beautiful, America the broken, America the shameless whore who parades her harlotry to the nations! Strong words for a nation that has left her place of honor! I’m using you to fulfill My Will, no matter how much you rebel, MY WILL be done! It is to your shame you refuse to conform to My Son! It is your loss that your lust for more will bring no gain! For My Prophet Haggai has said, you have bags with holes, but I say you have hearts with holes in them! Drained and depleted are the good deeds of your forefathers, gone is the remembrance of the revival fires that once burned brightly in this nation! I can only see the fires of the incense offered to foreign gods! America, you are no longer beautiful as you think. Like a whore who is bedridden because of her duties, so is this nation that has fornicated with the enemy! The enemy of the Cross- this enemy of your soul! I have beckoned and I have begged, yet you lie in your waste, refusing My Hand of deliverance. What will you do when My Hand is stretched out against you? Your repentance in order to relieve the pain will not be enough! Oh- nation of idolatry and whoredoms, who will save you from the coming calamities? Your lovers will vanish-your help will cease- and My Will- WILL be done!” Scripture reference for this message is (1 Timothy 4& 2 Timothy 2:3) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at… My book “Papa’s Garden” has been released! Check it out at Please prayerfully consider supporting our World-Wide Ministry! You can give at or by check or money order: Ignited Church PO Box 303 Lavonia, Ga 30553 THANK YOU! JESUS IS LORD OVER IGNITED CHURCH LAVONIA, GA!!!

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