The Church of the Outhouse!

“The Church of the Outhouse!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you decorate trees for beauty, yet you desecrate My Name! You desire presents but deny My Presence! Yu long for wealth but you loathe My Word! You provoke Me to anger and it is kindled by your refusal to repent and come clean. Your dirty and I despise your way of life! Holiness use to be the banner of My Church- it WAS the House of the Lord but your doctrines of demons and seducing spirits has made it into an outhouse! A place of refuse- a heap pile of dung and you have grown accustomed to the smell! It’s no longer a stench to you, but I refuse to dwell in your mess!
A day of reckoning is coming to both the nations and the Church! Hear the Word of the Lord; take heed- clean your house and My House and I will receive you and dwell among you!”
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